“Relationship Fundamentals" Based on Romans 5:1-11 To listen to this past Sunday’s message or previous sermons, visit the SERMONS page. John Ortberg, in "True (and False) Transformation" (pp.101-102), wrote of the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail, where King Arthur and his knights seek the Holy Grail. At one point they come to a bridge that spans an abyss of eternal peril. A bridge keeper allows people to cross this bridge only if they can answer three questions. Get one wrong, and you're tossed into the pit.
Lancelot is the first tested. The keeper asks him, "What is your name?" Lancelot answers. "What is your quest?" Lancelot answers, "To seek the Holy Grail.""What is your favorite color?" "Blue." "Right," says the bridge keeper, "off you go." Lancelot crosses the bridge, amazed this was so easy. The second knight similarly states his name and quest. But the third question is now, "What is the capital of Assyria?" "I don't know that." The knight is hurled, screaming, into the abyss. The third knight, Sir Galahad, is nervous as he's asked his name and quest, but he answers correctly. "What is your favorite color?" Sir Galahad panics. "Blue…no, yellow--Aaaaahhhh," he screams as he is hurled into the pit. Finally, the king steps up. "What is your name?" "Arthur, King of the Britains." "What is your quest?" "To seek the Holy Grail." "What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?" "What do you mean," asks Arthur, "an African or European swallow?" "What? I don't know that," answers the bridge keeper, who immediately is launched into the abyss. Arthur and his followers thereafter cross the bridge unhindered. Many people's idea of the gospel is that some day we'll get to the bridge to paradise and be asked, "Why should you be allowed to cross?" As long as we answer correctly, we make it across. Answer wrongly, and we're cast into the abyss. The gospel is redefined to be the announcement of the minimal entrance requirements for getting into heaven…. Jesus never said, "Now I'm going to tell you what you need to say to get into heaven when you die." Jesus' good news is we no longer have to live in the guilt, failure, and impotence of our own strength. The transforming presence and power of God is available through Christ right here, right now. To live in that power, you must become his disciple. SINCE: “…we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ… More than that, we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.” (Romans 5:1,11)
Gracious God, there are many occasions during which I feel all alone. When I make mistakes, when I blow it in the workplace or in my relationships, sometimes I feel hopeless and helpless. Especially in those moments, Lord, may your words echo in my heart and soul… that you showed your love for me in that while I was still a sinner, you died for me. I am NOT alone. I am not forgotten. I am valued and cared for by you, the author and perfector of my faith. Thank you, Lord. Help me to keep your promises close and remember them often. In your precious Name, Jesus, I pray. Amen. Our Mission: “To make disciples of Jesus who will make disciples” Our Vision: “To be a welcoming and growing community of believers” UPDATES: Helping Hands is looking for YOU! Please complete the Yellow Helping Hands sheet at the Welcome Center turn it in there. THANKS! Are you willing to share Your WHY? We are working on an updated church brochure and would like to quote (anonymously) some members of NLC. Please complete this sentence: “I am a part of New Life Church because ___________________.” Note your response on your Communication Card or email it to Pastor George. THANK YOU!! THIS WEEK’s Growth Groups meet Wed. @ Angie Hilbert’s (7-8:30pm), Wed. @ Dick & Kim Obermark’s (6-7:30pm), & Thursday @ Rich & Barb Strubberg’s (7-8:30pm). All are invited. Call the church office for more info, or speak with one of the hosts. Attention High School and Middle School Youth – we will be headed to a REALITY HOUSE in Eureka (see Teen Page on the NLC website for details) THIS Wednesday, 10/25, leaving the church parking lot no later than 6:35pm. Please RSVP for you (and how many of your friends) for transportation planning. PG has attended this Reality House over the past 15 years and they do a great job of presenting real life situations and tragedies and how faith can guide you through them. Following the event we will go to Culvers for Ice Cream and time to discuss and reflect on the event. We will divide into 2 groups for discussion - High School and Middle Schoolers. I will lead the trip and with the follow up discussions in each group. We plan to return by 9pm. BRING a canned good for entrance to the Reality House and money for Ice Cream if you choose. PLEASE RSVP to this email or PG’s cell if you plan to attend. Ladies Fellowship October Gathering THIS Thursday, the 26th, 6:30-8:30pm in the LL of NLC. Join with others in making picture/prayer boards! Please RSVP in the church lobby or contact Lisa Tucker, who will need to know how many boards to have cut for participants. Spread the word! Halloween Party at the Killmade’s THIS COMING Saturday, Oct. 28. Join others for chili, hot dogs and a bonfire later at 15015 Highway TT in Marthasville from 12 noon until 8pm’ish. The 5th Sunday Breakfast is THIS SUNDAY, the 29th in the LL from 8:30-11am. Feast on pancakes, sausage links, eggs, biscuits, gravy, fruit, coffee & juice. Breakfast is free, but all donations go to hurricane relief in Texas and Florida. Adult Sunday School Class is from 8:15 to 9:15am in the Youth Room (coffee is provided). Next week’s theme will be, “What’s Jesus got against grown-ups?” based on Luke 18:15-17). Operation Christmas Child is here! Pick up a shoebox, “boy” or “girl” label and guidelines for packing from the lobby table, and begin collecting your items today. Boxes are due back by November 12. Please remember these children need the BASIC gifts, including school supplies that are very important. WHS’s “Beauty and the Beast” is coming soon with Drew Post as Lafou, Gaston’s sidekick. Performances are November 9-11: Thursday the 9th & Friday the 10th at 7:30pm, and two shows on Saturday the 11th: 11:30am & 7:30pm. Please let others know about the performances. Tickets are on sale to the public. Children’s Sunday School– Parents… take home sheets are available on the Children’s Ministry page of the church website (www.NewLifeChurchMO.org). This is a great way to stay in touch with what your child(ren) is/are learning & reinforce those lessons throughout the week. If your child misses a week, it’s a great way to continually build up your child’s faith. NLC Fall Celebration – On FRIDAY (note date change), November 3, 5:30-9:30pm, we will have a congregational gathering in the back parking lot of the church facility. Hot Dog & Marshmallow roast, Chili (ALL are invited to bring a dessert to share). Games: Kan-Jam, Yahtzee, Pictionary, Skip-Bo, Heads-Up, etc. MOVIE at 7pm- “God’s Not Dead 2”, Mario Kart and Just Dance in the LL. Spread the word, invite and friend and come for a good time with friends! Crosstraining – This is a discipleship training group (aka Confirmation) for those entering the 7th & 8th Grades. Pastor George & Chris Cavenar lead the group, 6:30-8pm, 1st & 3rd Wednesdays. High School Youth gatherings meet every 2nd & 4th Wednesday in the Youth Room. Ladies’ Fellowship Breakfast is Thursday, November 2, at 8:30am at Bob Evans. Men’s Fellowship Breakfast & Serving is Saturday, November 11, 7:30-9:30am in the LL. Kids Ensemble sings the second Sunday each month, rehearsing the two Sundays prior. If you have elementary age kids interested in singing, please contact Vickie Price (314.795.8106) or note “Kids Ensemble” on your Communication Card. Contact Vickie for a CD of the upcoming songs. “Like” New Life Church on Facebook – Please go to New Life’s page and “LIKE” the page. Prayer - Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 Keith Theissen (Pauline and Billie Millsap's nephew and Eli Schultz’s cousin) - Surgery to remove tumor from esophagus caused by exposure while serving in the Middle East. Pray for healing. Jon Monzyk - Left pinky finger removed due to accident at work. Pray for healing and patience as his hand heals. Popular Bluff High School Community (Molly Dohm is teaching there) - Three students killed last week in car accident. Victims and families of those killed in Las Vegas shooting. Victims of fires in California. All those affected by Hurricanes Maria, Harvey and Irma, and safety for first responders. Nancy Scharfenberg - Recovering at home. Pray back pain will subside. Denny Arnold – Starting chemo and radiation treatments. Pray for continued healing and strength. Donna Killmade - Fluid buildup in legs is making it hard to walk. Pray that legs will return to normal. Paige Babbes - Junior at WHS recently diagnosed with leukemia. Pray for Paige and her family. Jonell Mueller (friend of Laura Frankenberg) - Spinal fusion recently. Recovery will be at least 120 days. Pray for healing, patience during recovery and strength. Edward Price (Denny Price's father) - Diagnosed with colon cancer, recently placed on hospice. Pray for the Price family. Pat Davis (Kim Obermark’s mother) – Broken leg. Receiving dialysis daily, moved to rehab facility. Julie McNamara (35-yr-old friend of Laura Frankenberg) – Recently diagnosed with bone cancer. John Schriefer (Celeste Schriefer’s son) – Pray for relief of back and leg pain. JoAnn Schweissguth (Lafe’s mother) – Recovering at home from hip surgery. Pray for healing. Barb Strubberg – Recovering from broken collarbone. Eleanor Hanes (Brenda Cameron’s sister) – Fighting cancer. Pray for effective chemo treatments. John Spires – Recovering at home from hip surgery. Judy Schmidt (Todd Marquart’s aunt) – Battling lung cancer, COPD, and cancer in ribs. Stephanie Lindemann – HS student battling cancer. Pray for strength and continued healing. Minnie Kolditz (Brenda Cameron's mother) – Hemo dialysis three days a week. Pray for home dialysis soon Struggling with cancer: Charlie Frankenberg, Cindy Bracht (Marie Spires's sister-in-law and Cherie Monzyk's aunt), Robert Sotebier (Saran Sullentrup’s dad). John Day – Pray that the progression of John's disease will be slowed. Servicemembers: Ian Tucker stationed in Washington state, Josh Hanes training in South Carolina. Continue to Pray for: NLC Congregation – Wisdom and faith as we move to the next stage of our ministry together. NLC Worship Team – That God draw talented musicians to serve on this ministry team. NLC Prayer Ministry – Deepen our commitment to prayer and add more prayers to our team. NLC Youth Ministry – That more students become involved in NLC Youth Ministry Program. NLC Elders – That they be guided by the Holy Spirit as they shepherd our congregation. Pastor George – Inspiration from the Holy Spirit as he leads our congregation. Our Nation – That Christians would change their communities to cause an end to violence.
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