This week’s Blessings Re-Cap Blessings just keep finding New Life Church… last week, phone and internet lines were installed (we'll share the phone number when the voicemail system is up and running), and someone gifted us a copy machine! A one-day VBS is being planned for Wednesday, August 6, and people are stepping up left and right to volunteer their time and talents. Thank you! To-date, over $3,000 Giving Tree donations have been offered (over and above the regular giving), and on Sunday, July 13, we had 106 in worship! With an average attendance of nearly 100, even during the summer vacation months, there is a definite need for two services instead of just one. We felt it was very important to keep a fellowship time between the services so that people attending each service still have the opportunity to see the people at the other service. We are a growing family, and our fellowship time is important! After much consideration, worship times of 9:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. were chosen. We will definitely utilize two services for the big launch on September 7th, and we may start them on August 24 so everyone has time to get comfortable with the different times before inviting all of their friends to the big launch on September 7! Don't worry, we'll keep you informed of the definite date for the service time change and make sure you have plenty of time to plan accordingly! A Quick Note on Communications from New Life Church All e-mails are also published to the "news" section of the New Life website at They are automatically published from the website to our Facebook page ( Sometimes seeing information on Facebook before receiving an e-mail directly sent to you seems a bit impersonal, so I wanted to make sure everyone knew the steps taken in sending out info. Thanks! Do You Want to Share New Life with Others?
You may contact Kelly Dohm @ [email protected] or 314-448-9231, if interested or any questions. The goal is to " kick off" Sunday School on Sept 7th and it will run through the end of May. At this point, we will group the Sunday School Classes as follows. However, classes may be combined or separated once we get a better idea of who will be attending. Nursery/Preschool
Thank you for making a difference in the lives of our children and youth at New Life! Current Prayer Requests
Pray for Pastor George and family as they vacation. A request was submitted by Dorothy Wurmb for a very close fried who was in remission from pancreatic cancer. It has returned and the prognosis is not good. Dorothy is praying for a miracle and wants everyone we know to be praying for her. Her name is Donna Reed. Pray for Karen Nye and all the youth that have returned from Young Life camp...that God will seal the work he has done and that Karen will get rest and be refreshed. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the bigger picture in the Middle East. Pray for New Life Church as it gets established and grows...especially as we move to 2 services. Pray that God will bring forth His leaders and that we will all grow and mature in our faith so we can be better used by Him. Lots of praise and thankfulness for all The Lord
is doing to birth and grow this church!
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![]() Special Thanks to Bill & Jean Webb for retrieving new (to us) chairs for the sanctuary all the way from Iowa. Thanks also to everyone who came to help unload and set-up! Now, we need to pack up the chairs we had borrowed from the Presbyterian Church of Washington and return them. Larry Brewe & Rich Strubberg will be at the church at 3 p.m. with a trailer and pickup truck. Volunteers to help load and unload would be appreciated. Again, thanks to everyone for stepping up and volunteering at New Life Church. God is certainly at work in our building, and in our hearts. Let's grow together :) Your help is needed tonight at 6:30 PM. The chairs which we borrowed from Washington Presbyterian need to be returned. At 6:30 this evening we plan on stacking those chairs along the sides of the sanctuary, and unloading and setting up new chairs which should be delivered close to 7 PM.
We are still working out a time to return the chairs to Washington Presbyterian, which will be either tonight or tomorrow during the day. Thank you, in advance, for making this transition smooth. George George Dohm 636-667-0449 Many thanks to the forty four individuals who attended the meeting last night at New Life Church to hear Rev. Al Frank (EFCA Central District Associate Superintendent & Church Planting Missionary). Al made a presentation about the Evangelical Free Church of America ( and was with us until nearly 8:30pm answering numerous pertinent questions.
I appreciated the frankness (pun intended) of the questioning; the answers to which were and are important to our future as a church. We all came away with a clearer understanding of the commitments we are making and the benefits of partnering with the EFCA. Convening after the meeting, the leadership team decided to move forward with beginning the process of affiliation with the EFCA. As Rev. Frank mentioned, this is similar to a “courtship” period for at least a year for us to get better acquainted with the EFCA and they with us. In the meantime, we will receive many resources to help us become a stronger, healthier and more vital church. Following the courtship period, there would be a vote by the entire congregation before officially joining the EFCA. Please note, the concerns raised at the meeting regarding how some other EFCA churches have chosen to handle membership will be addressed in the next few months as we formalize our membership process. As a point of reference, I anticipate the membership process being very similar to what I incorporated in the past. Please continue to communicate your hopes, fears, dreams and concerns to the leadership team. We will keep you informed as our ministry together continues to take shape. Grateful for New Life, George Pastor George Dohm 636.667.0449 |
October 2017
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