Ways for kids to get involved at NLC:

Each week, children begin in the sanctuary for the opening worship song, followed by a children's message by Pastor George. Children are then dismissed to the lower level for Sunday School. Parents are asked to pick up children from their Sunday School class at the end of the worship service.
Sunday School Teachers
Nursery: (1) Chris Marquart & Judy Straatmann, (2) Kaye Chisholm & Tracy Meinershagen, (3) Amanda & Alisha Longsdon, (4) Tim & Elizabeth Hellebusch, (5) Angie Hilbert
Pre-School: Megan Seamon & Amanda Longsdon
K - 1st: Catie Monzyk & Amanda Griesheimer
2nd-4th: Kelly Dohm & Lisa Bollmann
5th-6th: Stephanie Tallent
Youth: Matt Busekrus (2nd & 4th Sundays; 1st & 3rd Sundays in worship/serving)
Click HERE to download 2023-2024 Sunday School Registration Form
Youth Ministry Leader
Pastor George
Nursery Coordinator
Chris Marquart
Nursery: (1) Chris Marquart & Judy Straatmann, (2) Kaye Chisholm & Tracy Meinershagen, (3) Amanda & Alisha Longsdon, (4) Tim & Elizabeth Hellebusch, (5) Angie Hilbert
Pre-School: Megan Seamon & Amanda Longsdon
K - 1st: Catie Monzyk & Amanda Griesheimer
2nd-4th: Kelly Dohm & Lisa Bollmann
5th-6th: Stephanie Tallent
Youth: Matt Busekrus (2nd & 4th Sundays; 1st & 3rd Sundays in worship/serving)
Click HERE to download 2023-2024 Sunday School Registration Form
Youth Ministry Leader
Pastor George
Nursery Coordinator
Chris Marquart