“VISION… A Preferred Future” Message by Pastor George based on Proverbs 29:18 What kind of life is God inviting you to live? What kind of person is The Lord of the Universe calling and shaping you to be? These are just a few of the questions we began asking in this past Sunday’s message. The topic of this series is “vision”, both personal as well as the vision of New Life Church. Here are some clarifications of vision, as defined by George Barna in his book The Power of Vision: Vision…
A great way to explore and begin to define God’s vision for your life can be found in the exercise of writing your eulogy. Write what you would like someone to say about you at your funeral – and they would not be lying! Spend a few weeks praying and writing, praying and editing, etc. Once finished, passionately seek God’s guidance and power to live that way. As New Life Church, we, too, are asking how people in the community would describe us as a body of Christ in 10 years. What would we like them to say? As what kind of church would we like to be described? As a part of the Elder’s Team training over the past month, vision has been the topic of study and prayer. The Elder’s Team would now like your input. We would like to gather input from you, the congregation, about the following: 1. What do you consider the strengths of New Life Church?, and 2. If someone was to ask you about the “Vision” of NLC, how would you answer? (For instance, our Mission – what God is calling us to “DO” – is “to make disciples of Jesus who make disciples”) A Vision statement is who God is calling us to “BE”, it is a picture of what you sense God is calling you BE in the future. So, finish the statement… “The vision of NLC is to be a church that is ___________________” Some questions shared in Sunday’s message were: Why did you come back to New Life Church after your first visit (Please don’t say, as our daughter did on Sunday, “I had no choice”!) Seriously, because of _________________. The people are ____________________. CAN YOU SEND your reply to the above to [email protected] The eventual result will be a collective Vision Statement which will be paired with our Mission Statement & will be utilized to guide & keep us focused as a Body of Christ. Remember in Prayer:
NOTES AND REMINDERS: Independence Day Celebration in worship this Sunday. With July 4 landing on Saturday, our Sunday worship will be “Independence Day Themed”, even looking at the “Vision” for America our founders had. All are encouraged to wear Red, White and Blue! Facility Debt Update: Total paid toward Building fund = $50,978.67 Additional Pledges = $20,670.00 Thanks for Planting for the Future…Helping New Life Church to Grow! If you have not had an opportunity to receive a campaign packet, please stop by the church office. Together we will reduce our debt & simultaneously continue the Lord’s work through New Life Church. (for donations, note in the “memo” on your check BUILDING) NEW Air Conditioning System for the lobby & surrounding areas is being installed this week. The NLC Ladies Fellowship meets @ Cowan's Restaurant Thursday, July 9, 8:30am for breakfast, heart-to-heart conversation & fun. All ladies are invited! Membership @ New Life – If you’re interested in membership at New Life, there will be an info session on Sunday, July 12, 11am-12:15pm, in the Upper Room (behind the sound booth). New members will be received Sunday, July 19. VBS (Vacation Bible School) – July 27-31… SPREAD THE WORD! This can be a great outreach to our community as well as a faith builder to all our youth (and the adults who serve)! Mark “VBS” on your Communication Card if you are able and willing to serve in some way. See registration forms in the lobby or online. Annual Congregational Meeting - Mark your calendars for our first annual congregational meeting – Sunday, July 26 immediately following worship in the sanctuary. At this meeting we will review reports (to be sent out in advance of the meeting via email) from ministry leaders, groups, etc. We will also vote on the Elders Team. Washington T & C Fair Parade – the Fair Parade is coming Sunday, Aug.2. We are looking for persons to help build a float & also MANY people to walk in the parade alongside the float. If you are interested, please sign up by putting “Float” on CC. Brainstorming Meeting scheduled for Sunday, July 12, immediately following worship. All are welcome and encouraged to attend! Washington T & C Fair New Life Youth Taco Stand – We have an opportunity to run the Taco Stand at this year's fair. Volunteers still needed. We have even had a family step forward and donate some beef for the tacos. Sign up in the lobby. Crosstraining to begin this Fall – this is a discipleship training group (aka Confirmation) for those entering the 7th/8th Grade. Pastor George leads this group on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8pm. If you are interested in learning more, an info gathering is being planned, please write “CrossTraining” on your Communication Card. Wedding Invitation: Christina E. Monzyk & Josh A. Hanes request the pleasure of your company at their marriage on Saturday the Eleventh of July, Two thousand and fifteen, at two o'clock in the afternoon. Presbyterian Church of Washington, 4834 South Point Rd, Washington, MO 63090 Dinner and Reception at 5 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church of Washington. Egg Tray mix-up at Church Picnic: If you have an egg tray from the church picnic, please check to be sure it does not have the initials N.S. on it. Nancy mistakenly grabbed someone else's. If anyone has Nancy's, please call her to arrange a swap!
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