INFUSION of New Life – weekly encouragement from Pastor George & News to Note September is here! This is the month that we have been aiming at to intentionally start reaching out to people whom we care enough to invite to worship. In preparation, many have stepped forward to serve in welcoming and instructing ways: leading worship, running AV systems, teaching Sunday School, ushering, greeting, hospitality, cleaning, coordinating signage & publicity, landscaping, clerical help, LIFE groups, etc. We are stronger because of you! You have helped create a culture of extravagant welcome that those you invite during our September launch will surely experience and of which they will be in awe. Please continue to pray for:
We are, indeed, joining in The Lord’s work in bringing His new life to individuals and communities. May God help us all as we continue the building Jesus started, for as He said to Peter, “on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). SOME NEEDS IN PREPARATION FOR SUNDAY:
New Life Church Constitution & By-Laws A draft will be emailed on Monday, September 9. All are invited to read it through and bring your questions and/or comments to one of the upcoming meetings. There will be two meetings to walk through and discuss the Constitution and By-Laws. Sunday, September 28, 12:30-2pm in the sanctuary (Pizza served in LL, 12-12:30pm). Wednesday, October 1, 7-8:30pm, in the lower level. A vote on the Constitution & By-Laws is scheduled for Sunday, October 19, 10:40am. Youth Ministry Meeting At our back to school youth ministry event we had nine youth in attendance – a great start for a new church! Now, it’s time to gather and discuss how the Youth Ministry of NLC might look. On Sunday, September 14 at 10:50am, all teens and parents of teens are invited to stay after worship to discuss some proposed options, find the best day to meet and dream together. Spread the word to other interested teens/parents and plan to be there on the 14th. Missions Team Being Built The Leadership Team is looking for 5-7 interested persons who would be available to discern through prayer, research and study, how we are being called to make a difference in our community and beyond. Knowing we don’t have to look very far to find hurting people, the question is what hurts and hopes do we send God calling us to address in this time? If you are interested, please contact pastor or someone on the leadership team. Women’s Daybreak Conference September 19-20, harvester Church (South of St. Charles). Register online Sign up in the church lobby to let others know you plan to attend and to possibly coordinate carpooling and or hotel room sharing. To date, eleven women have signed up and are planning to attend. Picnic Time We have done a lot of planning, preparing and working together the past three months... it’s time to slow down and get better acquainted. Two picnic opportunities are being planned, please mark your calendars and be a part of these times of connection and encouragement:
1 Comment
9/6/2014 02:06:23
Just wanted to send a shout out of encouragement to your church body. Your birth and growth as a new church are inspiring! It's amazing to watch what God is doing to bless your efforts. On the flip side, it's equally amazing to watch what New Life is doing to glorify God, keep His Word holy and grow His Kingdom. You are a beautifully STRONG testimony of faith.
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